Two existing Belgian union regrouping dealers and shooting ranges in the civil firearms sector have bundled their efforts for defending the sector interest in the Flanders, Walloon and Brussels regions. These efforts resulted in the constitution of "Belgian Weapon Forum". This forum is an open organisation seeking a balanced regulatory framework for firearms related activities in the civiel sector.

Main values of our organisation are safety, legal certainty, responsibility and transparency. The forum intends sharing its knowledge on regulations and technical aspects with policy makers on global, European, federal and regional level.

Organisations or individuals in the civil firearms business (e.g. dealers, shooting ranges, manufacturers,...) may join the forum by affiliating to Wapenunie (for the Flanders or Brussels region) or Unact (for the Walloon or Brussels region). Other associations of firearm users (e.g. shooting federations, airsofters, collectors, hunting organistions, ...) cannot directly join the forum. They can participate in the forum discussion by joining an affiliated association (e.g. the DAAA/AVWL that is defending individual civil firearms owners).

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Advisory board

Belgian Weapon Forum is an open organisation

General policy and positions of the forum are discussed with all interested parties during meetings of the advisory board. Anyone involved in firearms legislation may express his views. The advisory board may also invite experts. The discussion would then result in a global sector view that expresses the common position of all memgers. The advisory board meets 4 times per year, unless if urgent matters require additional meetings. The meeting dates will be announced on this website (section "activities").

Following organisations will participate:

  • vzw Actieve Verdediging der Wapenliefhebbers
  • Wapenunie
  • Unact
  • Fros

Belgian Weapon Forum will succeed Wapenunie in its membership in international organisation. The forum will join WFSA (World Forum for the Future of Shooting Activities) and AECAC (Association Européenne des commerçants d'armes civiles).

Executive committee

The executive committee is composed of individuals who have a broad experience in the field of defending the sector's interest and who are committed to assure day to day operations of the forum. Each member of the committee is assigned a specific field of activities. The executive committee will report on its activities on each meeting of the advisory board.

Today, the executive committee is composed as follows:

  • Nico Demeyere (president, shooting ranges in Flanders, Wapenunie)
  • Jean-Claude Cajot (relationships Walloon region and representative Unact)
  • Daniel Beets (relations individual gun owners)
  • Thierry Jacobs (international activities)
  • Anne-Marie Moermans (manufacturers)

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